Qibla Finder - Online Qibla Direction Compass

Find the accurate Qibla direction and locate the Kaaba online with our Qibla Compass and Qibla Map. Access live Qibla direction from your browser, wherever you are.

Check accurate Prayer Times here.
Qibla Direction
Qibla Degree
North Degree

Qibla Direction Map

How to Find Qibla Direction Online

The fastest way to find the Qibla direction is by using an Online Qibla Finder Compass. Unlike mobile apps that require downloads, this tool works directly in your web browser with just an internet connection. Here’s how to use it:

How to use Online Qibla Finder

Steps to Use the Online Qibla Finder Compass

  1. Enable Location Services:

    • Click the "Find Qibla" button.
    • Allow the website to access your location. This helps in determining your exact position.
  2. Grant Access to Orientation Sensors:

    • If prompted, allow access to your phone’s orientation sensors for accurate directions.
  3. Compass and Map Integration:

    • The compass will show the Qibla direction.
    • A map will display a line from your location to the Kaaba (21.4225° N, 39.8262° E).
    • The compass also includes North, East, South and West indicators for additional information.

Calibrating Your Phone’s Compass

Calibrating Phone Compass Sensor

For accurate results, you may need to calibrate your phone’s sensors:

  1. Perform a Figure-Eight Motion:

    • Hold your phone flat and move it in a figure-eight motion several times to help the sensors detect the Earth's magnetic field.
  2. Rotate Around All Axes:

    • Rotate your phone around all three axes (roll, pitch, and yaw) to cover all orientations.
  3. Repeat the Motion:

    • Continue the figure-eight motion while rotating the phone until the compass shows accurate readings.

Understanding the Qibla Direction Compass

Customizing the Qibla Finder Theme

Personalize the website’s appearance to suit your preferences:

Qibla Finder Theme Customization
  1. Theme Modes:

    • Switch between Dark, Light, or Automatic color schemes.
  2. Accent Colors:

    • Choose from various accent colors to customize the website’s look.

By following these steps, you can easily determine the Qibla direction from any location, ensuring your prayers are directed accurately towards the Kaaba.

The Qibla is the direction that Muslims face during their daily prayers (Salah). It points towards the Kaaba, located in the Masjid al-Haram mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Facing the Qibla during prayer is a fundamental aspect of Islamic practice, symbolizing unity and direction in worship.

A Qibla compass is a tool used to determine the direction of the Qibla from any location. Traditionally, it is a physical compass with Qibla markings. Modern digital Qibla compasses leverage geolocation and orientation sensors to provide accurate directions, making it easier to find the Qibla direction anywhere in the world.

Qibla direction is measured by determining the shortest path to the Kaaba from the user's location. This is typically calculated using:

  • Geolocation Technology: Uses GPS to pinpoint the user's location and calculate the direction to Mecca.
  • Orientation Sensors: Utilizes the device’s magnetometer and accelerometer to establish direction.
  • Angles and Bearings: The bearing to the Kaaba is calculated as the angle from North, providing the precise direction for prayer.